Men's Group
In reply to the discussion: why does this crud continue [View all]DeadParrotz
(12 posts)The very existence of this group is gender essentialism, not to mention threads like this:
Not sure why you are casting aspersions on my knowledge of the groups. Another thing you have in common with History of Feminism group.
Several things, although I don't really owe you an explanation:
1. I don't do one-line, drive-by responses so I don't really participate much. Don't have time, and that kind of engagement doesn't interest me. I like to browse forums, and as I have a background in social sciences, so intergroup dynamics fascinate me even though I don't personally participate. I've taken an exception here because I really think the formerly amusing vendetta of this group and History of Feminism is actually pretty toxic now. I've largely given up on engaging in politics here, as people are very factionalized and it ends up being talking points volleyball.
2. I've had several accounts over the years, as far as I know all in good standing. I'm fairly paranoid about data tracking, so I register under emails I don't always remember and I don't save logins. Not sure why this is a problem for you, as it's not my intention to create a lasting online persona in any forum.
Feel free to alert on me if you think this is sock puppetry, but you'd just be reinforcing my point about factionalism and identity-based discourse (vs. exchange of ideas). I find your posts extremely defensive for little reason.