Hillary Clinton
In reply to the discussion: I can't tolerate the bashing of Hillary here [View all]still_one
(97,074 posts)to its full extent.
In fact, it was the last media feed frenzy that was the most damaging, and it was based on a lie.
11 days before the election, Comey went to the republicans in Congress with a vauge letter saying they were going to look at Weiner's computer, which they had for over a month, to see if there were "email issues". The republicans immediately grabbed that, and said the email investigation was being "reopened". It was a blatant LIE. MSNBC was the first cable/satellite network to headline their breaking new that "Hillary's email investigation reopened". MSNBC then proceeded to interview every right wing republican they could find, who continued to propagate the lie that the "investigation was being reopened". Soon, the other networks followed with the same LIE, that the "email investigation had been reopened". This went on for a few days, but the damage that was done was severe. A few days later as things begin to quiet down, Fox news bret baier reported from his sources in the FBI, an indictment was pending because of the "Clinton Foundation". That story was spewed all of Facebook and google news, (more on their part later). Two days later bret baier came out and said he was mistaken about a pending "indictment", and he apologized for the error. Good ole Rachel Maddow, was so taken by bret baier's apology, that on her show she jumped right to his defense saying what a terrific reporter he was for admitting a mistake. Of course that didn't stop fox news, or the trump campaign from continuing to spew the lie.
While all this was going on, the wonderful social networks such as Facebook, and search engine enterprises such as Google, were busy opening their flood gates to let the fake news right wing purveyors sell their bill of goods.
and that was what was happening in the last two weeks before the election,
but the fake news, and distorted and shabby reporting by the MSM was going on long before that. WMDs anyone?
The Shabby reporting has been going on for a long time. When the SC ruled on the ACA, the first reports that came out were that the ACA was overturned. It was a false report, and was eventually corrected. When Gabby Gifford was shot, they reported she had been killed. It also was a false report. When the Sago Mine disaster in West Virginia occurred, CNN was right there reporting that 12 miners were found alive. That was a false report, and they had to retract it, and report no survivors.
but how they covered Hillary verses how they covered trump was a disgrace.
The Matt Lauer interview demonstrated just how much there was a double standard.
On top of that there were at least 10%, aof Sanders supporters who refused to vote for Hillary.
In Michigan Hillary lost by .3%. Jill Stein received 1.1% of the vote. Similar situations occurred in Wisconsin and other critical states.
27% voted for Trump. That number is unique because it is approximately the same percentage of Americans who believe the birther bullshit.
Those people that voted for trump, did it because they felt threatened by the "browning of America"
45% of adults rely on Social Media for their news, and it is loaded with Fake news stories.
With the shabby MSM coverage, along with the fake news, it is no surprise that so many eligible voters didn't even bother to vote.
Every swing state Senate race, the Democrat lost, and most of those losses were to the establishment republican incumbent.
Russ Feingold, Zypher Teachout, Jane Kim and Loretta Sanchez all lost
It was the independent forces of, the media, the social network's "fake news" where up to 45% adults get their news from, the republicans, the FBI, the third party voters, and those Sanders supporters who refused to vote for Hillary who gave us trump on a silver platter.
This really isn't rocket science, but even with all of that, Hillary still won the popular vote. Right now she is ahead about 2% in the popular vote, and that will get even bigger because states like California and Washington are still counting their absentee and vote by mail votes.