In real life, Bernie supporters have always been - and still are - my friends. They preferred BS - I preferred HRC. And we supported our candidate-of-preference accordingly.
When it comes to DU however, this does not apply. There are too many trolls here who feigned support of Bernie as a means to demean Hillary - and, to a great extent, the Democratic Party as a whole.
I empathize with those here who truly felt that Bernie was the better choice, the right choice. I understand their disappointment in having lost this race - and I acknowledge their right to BE disappointed. Many BS supporters here have been sincere in their choice of candidate, and have done BS proud in their passion, their enthusiasm for his candidacy, and their unwavering belief in his message.
But - and that's a big BUT - I am not about to recognize ALL alleged Bernie supporters on DU as being "our friends". Many of them simply aren't, never have been, never will be.
Those "we need in the future" will be with us in ensuring that the WH remains in Democratic hands. They will join the fight to make sure that someone like Trump will NEVER be elected POTUS. They will NEVER allow a Republican to win the GE - and whether he is running against HRC, Bernie, or any other candidate is of no consequence to those who know the difference between a Democrat and a Republican being elected.
I do not consider true BS supporters to be the enemy. I DO consider those who posed as BS supporters to be the enemy - and I think we all know which is which.