An Idea to encourage compromise in the U.S. House of Representatives [View all]
It may be a goofy idea and not at all realistic.
But please don't throw it out by a cutting response, but please respond with positive criticism.
Let's have a thread of discussion to develop this idea. Raise objections to it and I shall answer them if I can or admit defeat.
But please consider and respond to my answers.
The idea is to realign the number of voting deligates in the U.S. House of Representatives which are elected each State. One-third of each voting seats may not be filled by party-associated candidates. Those one-third of seats for each state shall be filled by non-party affiliated candidates elected state-wide like a senator based on each candidtate's personal platform of preference of political issues. In a State with more than three seats up for election, each voter in each District votes for one party-affiliated candidate of their choice and for all other non-affiliated candidates of the State. I realize that a State with less than three seats in the House needs to be handled differently. But that we can develop in this game if we find members to play it by responding.
So this is my basic proposal in a nutshell. Anybody willing to play the game?