In reply to the discussion: Seditious Republicans Spend Paid Vacation Instigating Rebellion Among Military Generals [View all]Diclotican
(5,095 posts)unhappycamper
I think high ranking officers in the armed forces - should be conserding doing their job - not playing politic - if they want to play politic - then leave the rank of officers - and be a full time politic an - not blend both ways - I guess it is a long time since Truman stated that the only colour he cared for in the armed forces was the olive green brand - when he de-segregated the armed forces in the 1950s - because it was the logic way of doing it - and many men of color had serving their country with distention and honor....
People who want to start dissent inside the rank of the armed forces - should be very careful - as the way from dissent - to a trial for sedition or treason is a very short one - and I suspect mr Lamborn from Colorado have overstepped it boundaries - when he want generals to quit their service because they do not like the president who are in sharge....
If I was Obama - I would do as Kennedy did when generals was rebelling his rule in early 1960s - specially under the Cuba crisis - he accepted their resignations from duty and more or less fired them on the spot - repleasing them with others who was less troublesome - and who might not as Gun-ho as some was... That cooled their head somehow - that the US president fired some Generals on the spot..
Im not sure how things work in US when it come to generals medling in the sivilian government - but in Norway - the officers are 100 percent under control of the sivilian government - and have no political control at all.. It all goes back to the years between the wars (ww1 and ww2) where the officers indeed had some political clout - and also was afraid of the labour movement - who was going from strengt to strengt in the 1920s - and who in 1933 - was elected into office - from then to 1940 - the officers was troublesome - and problematic - and have no love for the labour party at all - in fact many was more afraid of their soldiers than against the germans who in 1940 attaced norway - and keept it for 5 years - after ww2 - all branches of the armed forces was re-constructed - and put under strict sivilian rule - and have been that since....
It is maybe time for the current US administration to do the same to the armed forces in the US - put the control where it belong - under sivilian rule... And put the generals in their place..