Paul Ryan Admits That The GOP Plans To Win The Senate and Take Healthcare Away From Millions [View all]
Paul Ryan Admits That The GOP Plans To Win The Senate and Take Healthcare Away From Millions
By: Jason Easley
Monday, September, 22nd, 2014, 6:07 pm
In an interview Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) admitted that the Republican plan is to win the Senate then begin work on taking health care away from the estimated 10.3 million people who have gotten coverage thanks to the ACA.
Earlier in the interview, Ryan discussed how much easier it will be to pass legislation if Republicans win the Senate. The real tell of what Republicans have in mind came when the conversation turned to Obamacare.
Rep. Ryan said,
It is so fundamentally flawed in its basic architecture that we shouldnt to mimic it. I believe that a smart system that is patient centered that equalizes the tax treatment of Obamacare will give everybody, the ability the option to go get affordable health insurance. Whether they choose to do that or not is not really something you can necessarily actually capture in scoring, but if you have a system that gives everybody access to affordable care in a free market system that is patient centered included people with preexisting conditions, things like risk pools, then I believe that is suffient.
Id go back to the pre-Obamacare baseline is what I would do. I think thats the way to go. We shouldnt assume were going to have an explosive entitlement then replace it with our own. I would start over again, quite frankly.