The proof is the republicans ability to run the same old campaigns and the american public not only believes it, they will get angry at anything that threatens it. Big Government is the problem not big multinationals, Its all Obama's fault, in fact the attacks on our president have been so vicious, mean spirited, using strong currents of racism, This started in the primaries and has gotten so bad that the KKK does not use the "N" word anymore, they have replaced with "Obama" many on the right have followed suit this can be sustained by examining the content and tone of speeches, letters, and attack ads, it will go down in history as the most corrupt election in US history, not only from the money from mega donors, but the complete absence of ideas and proposals to deal with the real problems of this country, such as the TRADE IMBALANCE, CORPORATE WELFARE, CORRUPT ELECTED OFFICIALS, THEY no longer have a revolving door between business and government, they tore down the walls and they just come and go as they please. Corporations write the laws that congress passes and makes us live by. IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME.