Many years ago I lived in Omaha. It was a great place to live. It's mayor for four years was Ed Zorinsky. He was a middle of the road type politician. He became a U.S. senator in 1973. He served two terms as senator and had a unique approach dealing with his constituents. He had an open door policy that struck many as unusual. He went so far as to take the door to his office off its hinges so people could walk in and talk with him, if they felt the need to do that.
I wish the politicians of today would do the same. They might learn something about how they are governing. Of course, the truth hurts and many of them would not want to hear it, but it could/would be a way for them to learn how to run our country. The fighting we see everyday now is sickening. Government isn't about running our country, it's about one upmanship. By the people and for the people has been lost since Citizens United was deemed an okay thing to do. One upmanship and money is all that matters now. How sad that we have come to this.