Barack Obama
In reply to the discussion: barack obama: 44th president of the united states [View all]calimary
(84,373 posts)Glad you're here! VERY impressive, thank you for that contribution and more! I'm just always relieved and gratified when anything's posted that doesn't involve tearing this man apart. What the Living Hell??????? Is it just that he's guilty of "presidentin' while black"? What a disgrace that we're still so hobbled, as a nation, by this shit. What a disgrace! This man is truly noble, good-hearted, and motivated by the needs of the many - whom he represented so well as a community organizer. Sheesh - I remember during the first campaign in 2008. There was a neighbor couple. Affluent and older and white, and we were all sorta gabbing casually and enjoying each other's company at the neighborhood block party. And the campaign came up (this was September of that election year), and they startd scoffing and laughing at him - "community ORGANIZER???!?!?! BWAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" They acted as though it was the absolute most ridiculous thing they'd ever heard. And after eight long miserable years of that dry-drunk squatter in OUR White House and his merry band of war criminals, I was just absolutely outraged. I went home just STEAMED!
And you know what? After Barack Obama cleaned the respective clocks of mcsame/palin later that autumn, and I'd be out walking our dog, EVERY time I passed their house, I'd look in their direction and I'd snicker and smirk and mumble to myself "Barack HUSSEIN Obama. PRESIDENT Barack Hussein Obama!!!!!" And every time I'd see them, I'd be smilin'... and thinking that cutting little buzz phrase to myself that I knew would make them wince. That's what my smile means every time I smile at them. Not sure they realize that, but I've NEVER forgotten. And last November, too, after President Obama cleaned wrongney/ryan's respective clocks and won the White House A SECOND TIME, I got the pleasure of following that little routine all over again, and savored it EVERY time! I'd do that while strolling past whatever house in the neighborhood had a wrongney/ryan yard sign in the front. I made a point of remembering.
MOST satisfying, I must say!