Wordpress--- HEELLPPPP! Where can I find some good tutorials for this thing? [View all]
Having built some OK websites in the past using just HTML 5, I volunteered to take over a church's website when the person who set it up disappeared.
Said person left no notes, but did leave a huge pile of dead links and other problems that I am clueless to deal with. Can't even access the homepage to update it. A couple of other people who have used Wordpress haven't done any better than I have.
(Here is where I would normally digress to a rant about how all web designers should be shot and we start again from scratch-- but since I'm asking for help from such people, I'll calm down. For now.)
I was withing 5 minutes of transferring the domain and using it with HostGator, starting from scratch, but was talked out of it because "Wordpress is just so much better." Besides, a few people know a little about it and could help work with it if we could get in there to do anything. And since it's a UU church and UU central loves Wordpress, and we get a free website out of it, changing isn't the best idea. (UU central, however doesn't love it enough to give us classes or send an expert to help)
So, since the included help has been useless so far, where can I go to learn about this monster? Mainly-- how can I wipe out most of it and redo the whole thing?