Embarassing problem: now it is more difficult to boot from USB [View all]
Here is the problem, fellow CHaS ladies and gents:
1- I routinely do beta testing for the Windows Insider program. That means being comfortable with installing new versions of their OS on a regular basis. If I have a problem with a beta, I just go back to the most recent stable version, no problems at all.
2- One day recently, I had some time on my hands, so I installed this version: Windows 10 Team PPIPro. Idle hands are the devil's workshop, and all that.
3- Before you scold me, yes, I should have researched this OS. It is CLEARLY not meant for an ordinary PC, such as mine.
4- I found out instantly that this OS was not usable. It took great effort to uninstall it.
5- Before I installed that OS, I was able to boot from USB very easily.
6- Now, for some strange reason, I have to resort to legacy mode and FAT32 to even have a chance of booting any ISO. The ONLY ISO that boots easily is an old version of Windows 10 (1507, from July 2015, which I have the DVD for and I made an ISO from it).
7- I have researched this pretty extensively, but I am still at a loss. I use Rufus to make my ISO's. Usually a Rufus-made ISO boots easily, even in GPT/UEFI/NTFS mode.
8- Yes, I can still boot from my DVD writer/drive and I can boot from an ISO mounted on my C: drive.
9- Is this a common problem ? My motherboard is this one: ASRock X570 Phantom Gaming 4 Wifi ax The motherboard is completely updated with all relevant drivers. I have flashed the BIOS multiple times, and it's on version 2.20 now.
I know I can just replace the motherboard, but that's an absolute last resort. Any suggestions, or just continue to use my workarounds ? Thanks everyone.
Your very embarrassed CHaS host,