Hardware question about a Win/Linux box -- probably need advice from gamers. [View all]
Last edited Wed Mar 18, 2020, 02:38 PM - Edit history (1)
I'm thinking of starting a project to build a 4-GPU minisupercomputer. This is something that originally cost ~$8K to build; now the GPUs can be bought almost as scrap. MB, PSU, and CPU are cheaply available. RAM shouldn't be too expensive, and HD needs are trivial. The only problem is I can't find any of the recommended cases, even used or on eBay. The document from which I'm taking my plans is at https://www.nvidia.com/docs/IO/63567/web_DIY_PDF.pdf . Here's part of the specs:
Computer Cases / Chassis
The case / chassis choice is important, since when you plug in four Tesla C1060 boards in, it needs a case
that has 8 slots (which is larger than the usual ATX case).
Commercially available off-the-shelf cases with 8+ slots are
Lian-Li PC-P80
ThermalTake ArmorPlus
ABS Canyon 695
The brands still seem to be around, but not those specific models. Any idea what would be a good successor for any of these ? Since I'm using pretty old hardware, the case doesn't need to be the latest/greatest either. Any expert advice appreciated. BTW, multiple HD bays DO NOT HELP in this particular case (no pun), I just need the four double-wide PCIe slots.
UPDATE: Thanks to all who responded ! I'm going with the Eko case from NewEgg; trying to keep investment low. Case, PSU, CPU, RAM, MB all ordered. I may have fan and SSD that will do already, will order if not.