In the upside down world of post Brexit Tory far right rule [View all]

Sooooooooo lets get this straight
Things not to blame for refugees attempting to cross the channel and enter the UK including but not limited to: War; Tyranny, Starvation, Pandemic, Deadly Regimes, Economic destitution, LGBTQI in danger of imprisonment, torture and death etc et al. Oh, and let’s not forget the far-right home office closing down safe legal routes to apply for asylum and the utter incompetence and vileness of the current administration. NONE of these things are to blame for the refugee situation in the channel. Of course not. Of course, it is social media to blame. Good grief.
Take back control of our borders was one of the main themes of the Brexit campaign. Not a great look, when you are sending EU students to immigration detention cause they have the wrong paperwork, while refugees are posting their arrival by boat and so deflection is a must. However, blaming TiKTok for their utter shiteness is a new one. You could not make it up.