We are learning that no lie is too big cause Brexit and the far right capture of the 'working class [View all]
take back control’ imagination.
The polls for Hartlepool prove it – where the lead for the Tories over Labour to win the seat seem unsurmountable, and Labour will lose yet another Red wall seat as the electorate opts to turn it into Brexit Blue seat.
(Explainer for our American friends. There are local elections taking place tomorrow across the UK for Councils and City Mayors - and national elections in Scotland. Alongside this, following the resignation of the current MP for Hartlepool – a Labour held seat since the seat was created, a by-election is being held and polls suggest that the Tories will take the seat in an historic first. By way of context Hartlepool is in the North East of England in a very deprived area where in the latest stats available 27.6% of kids live in poverty – and that is before the impact of the pandemic and Brexit borders are taken into account.)
Seemingly, the facts of the privileged shitshow that rules us do not matter one jot at this moment in history. After all…
- Let the bodies pile high in the streets.
- £200k on a 1970’s brothel décor with murky as fuck funding for it.
- One of the worst pandemic death rates in the world…
- Dodgy contracts to dodgy mates for 100’s of millions of quid
- In your face breaking of the Ministerial Code
And the list goes.
This SHOULD be toxic electorally, but Boris Bollocks and Brexit seem about to win the day, again. Is this really what we as a nation have become?
Of course, politics has always been somewhat about distraction and evasion. Of course it has. Most people don’t get into the game without a huge ego, a yearning for power and an unshakeable belief that their way is the right way. But this shady bunch of far-right English nationalists that have the current keys to the kingdom are something else entirely. They lie and dissemble every single day, and they are being allowed to get away with it with impunity – cause why? Brexit lies and bollocks trumps everything else. Hartlepool going Tory? You could not make it up.