Born in U.K. of an English father and Australian mother; came here as a child. Took Australian citizenship, and has dual nationality still – or so it is believed. Explains why he's so besotted with the monarchy and all the trappings of traditional monarchist power.
There is a law that says that anybody who works for the Australian government, at any level, cannot have dual nationality, so Abbott should have renounced his British citizenship. However, there is no record in British files to show this, and Abbott has steadfastly refused to answer any questions about if, or when, he renounced his Brit. nationality. You'd think that if he could produce the certificate, he would.
According to law, if he didn't he should resign immediately and also pay back all the money he has ever received since he was first elected to parliament.
People have hesitated to pursue it, because nobody wants to appear like the Obama birth nutters, but it really does appear to be very suspicious. Obama's birth certificate has been produced; Abbott's renunciation certificate never has.
Interesting, eh?