seems to me that you have no ideas what you are talking about.I take it that you dont reside in Aussie,BUT with a name like your I would hazzard to guess that you could be Canadian.
Julia Gillard has done things that no-one else has had the guts to do,she is also breaking down the 'glass ceiling' that people like you dont seems to appreciate.
She has put Tony Rabbitt back in his place and every day on ABC 'Question Time' the same question comes out of his mouth about the Carbon Tax.I also suggest that you along with your male chauvinism just stick with what you know more about and I suggest that you leave this subject alone before you dig the hole deeper and cant get out.
Julia Gillard is trustworthy,she is also doing something that many men havent been able to do and that is to introduce laws and policy that hasnt been let into Australia in the past.She has done a better job that Mr.Howard and she is handling Tony Rabbit quite well.
She will also be the PM after the 2013 election,as people in Australia will see what sort of 'Rabbit' Tony Rabbitt is.