Had an "experience" at the MLK March [View all]
We knew the GOP was marching. Unfortunately, they put us right next to them in the line up. (Well, they put the LWV between)
The GOP had their huge American and Texas flags and we had our old age and arthritis. We weren't a match for them.
Then, from the back emerges a group called the "Party for Socialism and Liberation". They are like a loud version of antifa on steroids. We gladly let them cut in front of us. They all carried large signs on wooden stakes and shouted into the GOP's ears, "Abolish the border!", "Free Palestine!", "Capitalism kills people!", "Abortion for all!", "Hey, hey, ho-ho, the military has got to go!". Abolish rent!", "Abolish the Supreme Court"
I was laughing my A__ off.
These pictures are not from our event, but you get the idea. They brought a wagon full of signs and changed them out when they changed their theme.
The GOP was there for the express purpose of recruiting African-Americans to the Republican Party. So, this wild group which was in their face had me LMAO. I hope the GOP was intimidated and they don't come back to the MLK March.