A cleveland.com reporter was on Nicole Wallace today [View all]
The reporter, Chris Quinn, said that over 70% of Ohio voters are not affiliated with either major party. That means that for primaries, less than 30% of Ohio voters choose who is on the ballot in November. For me, this explains several things, for one thing, how the crummy rwnj reps keep getting into office. They win the primary and are the candidates for the general. For m e, it also explains the huge difference in the people elected and their outlook, and the voters who want abortion rights, want recreational marijuana, want fair voting districts and vote in majority numbers to get those things on the ballot and then translated into law.
But I bet many of the independent voters register like that thinking they can vote however they want on primaries or the general. A long time ago, I registered as an independent, not realizing that I wouldn't get to vote on any candidate of any party in the primary. I changed my affiliation as soon as I could, but how many people think that being an independent voter frees them up in some way? In the general election, you do get see all the candidates for all the parties and vote the way you want. Which I know now.