So ANYONE in NY could go to CT (not NJ) to marry.
I ask you to ask yourself why you felt the need to single out (fundamentalist) Jews?
Especially in your subject post? Conservative Christians certainly disapprove of being told what to do or not do, and would and do object to restrictions for marrying age. And FYI, it won't interfere with the practice of Judaism, it will discourage child marriage, which is what it was meant to do. Not just for Satmar or fundamentalist Jews!
ANYONE living in NY who believes in child marriage would object.
As a Jew I was offended by your post, because child marriage is common in many fundamentalist RELIGIONS, and singling out (NY) Jews is prejudicial, in my opinion. I thought about reporting your post but decided I needed to address your comments. I don't believe you were intentionally displaying bigotry/insensitivity, but it came across as such.
Also, I copied this slightly outdated information from Wikipedia.
So, as of June 2020, in the 40 states that have set a marriage age by statute, the lower minimum marriage age when all exceptions are taken into account, are:
2 states have a minimum age of 14: Alaska and North Carolina
3 states have a minimum age of 15.
21 states have a minimum age of 16.
10 states have a minimum age of 17.
5 states have a minimum age of 18.
From 2017[41][42] to 2020,[43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50] [51][52][53] several states changed their law to set a minimum age, to raise their minimum age, or to make more stringent the conditions under which an underage marriage may occur.
No hard feelings. Just had to get that off my chest.