Missouri coroner training commission can't convene due to lack of action by governor [View all]
In July 2020, Gov. Mike Parson signed into law a potentially sweeping change for coroners across the state of Missouri, many of whom lack medical or forensic training.
The law, which creates a governor-appointed commission to write new standards and training for coroners, was written in response to the botched investigation into the 2011 death of 27-year-old Jayke Minor in Fayette and pressure from the Missouri Coroners’ and Medical Examiners’ Association.
Once formed, the commission would create mandatory training for all of Missouri’s county coroners. The commission is funded by a $1 fee on certified death certificates, with more than $388,000 in its state account so far.
But more than a year passed before the Parson administration appointed anyone to the commission. On Monday, two coroners who were appointed in September received a confirmation hearing before a Missouri Senate committee — yet even if they win confirmation from the full Senate, the board still wouldn’t have enough members to meet and begin its work.