are you tired of seeing posts like this in other parties whaco group [View all]
while liberals nurse the fantasy that conservatives are "full of hate", instead, when these incidents occur, we see that most times a liberal is doing the killing.
I think it is reasonable to conclude that IBM's actions stirring up racial hatred figured, at least in part, into the killer's decision for action here.
Had this killer been a Christian, or a TEA party member or a hated Trump supporter, the story would be run wall-to-wall for days.
However, I think as this unfolds we will see that the shooter does not fall into that narrative, and so this story will disappear from the MSM in a day or two.
the above is a typical post from this lame brain fool! I have had a gun since I was 8,hunted since I was 10(the first two years I was not allowed to use a gun in nov.) but went with my dad to his stump! I tagged my first deer when I was 12. I SHOT MY FIRST PARTRIDGE WHEN I WAS 10. This was my first lesson about killing game the bird was sitting in a fir tree after we flushed it -my dad said you can shoot it. when we cleaned it he said see all those shot in the breast- you should only shoot a bird in the air. And try to aim at the wing . well I never was the wing shot my dad was -but more than once I've proved I can clip a wing on a partridge or a duck so there is fewer pellets in the breast. I've dropped more than one deer on the dead run. I've never shot anyone but I must admit there have been a few I should have. how anyone can make the statement that the right is for the colored when it's only been a few years that any have been elected to national office in their party shows me the person has the brains of a bucket of mush.
ps this is mild compared to what I would really like to say in person to this hate monger- and is one independent that will stand his ground!