LePage screws up timing of "pocket veto" strategy, bills become law [View all]
Augusta insiders incredulous or elated by LePages veto delay
Instead, he let the 10-day window of opportunity to veto the GA bill and 18 others lapse without vetoing or signing them. When the governor doesnt take action on a bill during that time, the bill becomes law. LePages staff indicated that the governor had pocket vetoed the bills, whereby his inaction would have led to their death. But that maneuver is possible only after the Legislature has adjourned, which they have not done.
In a news release last night, the ACLU of Maine said there is no question that as a result of LePages inaction, the bills are destined to be law.
The Maine Constitution is clear on this, wrote Zach Heiden, the groups legal director. The governor had 10 days to veto the bills, he did not veto them, and now the bills will become law. We do not have a government of one, and the governor cannot make up the rules as he goes along.
Democrats on social media were enjoying a bit schadenfreude at the apparent blunder. Theres a huge hole in Gov. Paul LePages pocket, and a bunch of bills just fell through, handing his opponents and the Legislature huge victories, said David Farmer, a Democratic consultant and former spokesman for Gov. John Baldacci.