It must have been sometime around 2006 or so, my buddy and I worked at a large music store in Virginia Beach Va, he was a good guitarist and a great singer, I was a better guitarist and a passable singer at least for harmonies and we got a gig running an open mic in a restaurant/bar in downtown Norfolk.Mostly we did it for the free food and beer and to let us play out live every week. We were really good, lots of covers and some originals but most of the other musicians that showed up were not so much or if they were good they just wanted to do guitar solo's for 30 min's. We did it for a few months and it started to get bigger and bigger which was cool for us cause we got a cut of the door as well. One night this scruffy guy came in and asked if he could play and of course we let him but he wanted to play with a guitarist so I offered to. I went to music school and I'm not that good but I can do ok but this guy was something else. He had a ton of pedals he played his bass with and it was crazy good. It was this guy.
He came out quite a few times. Total pleasure to play with him.