My older cousins were eagerly anticipating it, though, and I wanted to see them. Now Uncle R had a big house and more than one TV, so the cousins could gather in the room where it was and watch.
My family, on the other hand, had only one TV, and it is was in the living room. And when Dad was home, he was the one who called the shots. Period. I can remember watching afternoon cartoons when I got home from kindergarten and then Dad would come home, take one look at the TV, say, "What is this bullshit?" and change the channel.
He did like Ed Sullivan - it was always a 'really big shew!' in our house when he was on.
So the night came!
Ed looked a bit pained, like a guy who had strained his back. He always looked like he was strapped to a board. So he says, "And now, The Beatles!"
John, Paul, George and Ringo trotted out, and my dad said, "Goddamn long-hairs" and walked over to the TV and changed the channel. No remotes then.
Dang. That's OK, though. I long since made up for it by getting most of their albums, and certainly I watch some of their live performances on YouTube.