Funny stories about my father The Beatles and Alice Cooper [View all]
I'm going to date myself but I was 10 years old when I first saw The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show along with my parents, brothers and sister. After that performance and being awestruck, I told my dad that I would like to learn how to play the guitar. He laughed, shook his head and said I have just the instrument for you, wait here. He returned with his accordion, dropped it on my lap and began his instructions on how to play it. Needless to say, I'm thinking no, HELL NO, this isn't what I wanted. I have laughed for years about it though and mom still teases me Lol.
Fast forward to 1972 where I as a paper boy had saved up some money to buy my first stereo. My brothers and I had paper routes and my parents would only allow us to keep some of the profit but the rest had to go in the bank so it took several years to get to where I could by one.
I was so excited that day and when I bought the stereo I also bought Alice Coopers Killer album. I was stoked! I headed home and to our upstairs bedroom for privacy. With seven in the home privacy is hard to come by and my brothers and I all shared the same bedroom.
So I set up the stereo, plug it in and put the Killer album on to play. I'm upstairs in music heaven, alone and loving it. Soon though my father from downstairs hollers up to turn the music down which I did. Not long after he said, what the hell are you listening to? I said it's Alice Cooper, dad. He asks, who the hell is she? I said it's a guy and he said turn that crap off! lol I still get a kick from that exchange with him.
Several years later, my brothers and I took him to a baseball game in Cleveland and across from Jacobs Field was a restaurant named Alice Cooperstown so we went in to dine before the game. While at our table, guess who was making the rounds saying hello to the guests? Alice himself! After a very brief hello, nice to meet you, handshaking with Mr. Cooper my father remarked he seems nice you can listen to his music now lol thanks dad!