Single Payer Health Systems
In reply to the discussion: Why is single payer better than multiple payers? [View all]murphyj87
(649 posts)In a single payer system, such as we have had in Canada since 1966, everyone has access to the health care they need in Canada, regardless of income.
In the United States, 40% of Americans can't get the health care they need because they are uninsured or under-insured, so, the insurance company bureaucrat who stands between most Americans and the health care they need denies them that health care.
Americans buy into the lie that any number of Canadians go to the US for medical care. According to data from American hospitals and Canadian hospitals, only 0.11% (11 in 10,000) of Canadians ever go to the US for medical treatment while 0.72% (72 in 10,000) Americans have had go to to Canada for medical treatment. The bottom line is that for every Canadian who goes to the US for medical treatment, about 59 Americans (72/11=6.55*9 times the population=58.9) go to Canada for medical treatment.
91% of Canadians say that the health care they get in Canada is better than the insurance run health care that Americans are stuck with.
When it came to health care, 45 per cent of Americans felt Canada had a superior system, while 42 per cent thought the United States should stick with its own.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of Canadians, 91 per cent, felt that Canada's health care system was better than that of the United States.
94% of Canadians (across the political spectrum) say that the way to improve Canadian health care is with public solutions, not for profit solutions.
One view, based on the premise that health care is a commodity, believes that markets should determine who gets care, when, and how. This view may sound reasonable or even innocuous, but dont be fooled: the end game is always the same: to withdraw public funding for Canadian health care and shift costs onto individuals.
The other vision one that I adhere to believes that health care is a public good, grounded on the Canadian values of fairness, equity, compassion, and collective action. As I said in my final report as Commissioner on the Future of Health Care in Canada, Canadians view health care as a moral enterprise, not a business venture. We see it as a right of citizenship, not a privilege of status or wealth as Americans do.
If anything, that point of view is even stronger today than it was when I released my report. A recent poll by Nanos Research found that support for public health care had risen to a record-high 94%.
There are two issues at play here, said Nanos President Nik Nanos. First, health care continues to be a top issue of national concern for Canadians. The second point is that right across the board, regardless of political affiliation or other demographics, support for public solutions in health care has increased over the past three years.
Overhead for American insurance run (multi-payer) health care was over 40% and is now "only" 25% due to "Obamacare".
Overhead for US single payer Medicare is 3%.
Overhead for Canadian universal single payer health care is 1%.
Each practise of three American doctors is required to pay 3 to 5 full time employees to handle multiple payers.
Each practice of three Canadian doctors need only pay 1 PART TIME employee to handle a single payer system for all 3 doctors.
As a result, American doctors make more GROSS pay than a Canadian doctor, but, because the Canadian doctor has 12% of the office expenses of an equivalent American doctor, the Canadian doctor makes more in NET pay than an equivalent American doctor makes.
The average amount of time it takes for an American doctor or hospital to be paid by an American insurance company is 4 months.
The average amount of time it takes for a Canadian doctor or hospital to be paid by the government in Canada is 14 days.
This just scratches the surface of the difference