I've got it correctly threaded, and it produces a nice chain, seam and seam finish. I cheated on the lower looper. I could figure out the other looper and the needle threads, but there were instructions that didn't make any sense, or I couldn't see what they were referring to. It had been a floor model, so it came already threaded with 4 different color threads - I finally tied my new thread to the old one and just pulled it all the way through. I'll figure it out later.
So I'm playing around with it and some scrap knit fabric. It looks good. I've cut out a t-shirt using an old knit sheet and I'm starting to get ready to sew (serge?). Then I realized - this machine doesn't have a stretch stitch. Since the shirt has a jewel neck, some stretch is going to be needed if I want to get my head through it. I looked through the instructions, went on the internet, played around with the settings - nothing.
It's not a deal breaker - I'll just turn around to the Bernina and sew the neck the way I always do, with a narrow zig-zag. I'm going to have to use that machine anyway to ease the side seam. There's one area just where the sleeve ends and the side begins, where I have to ease 4 inches of front into 3 inches of back. It's subtle, but it makes a little extra three-dimensional space for boobage. I can't figure out a way to do that on the serger, either.
I'm still looking forward to not having to do a seam and a seam finish in 2 different steps.