as far as I can tell from news stories and social media posts, most real artists and writers hate it. Almost all generative AI models are trained on vast datasets of stolen intellectual property, and the AI companies are fighting lots of lawsuits and continuing to steal whatever they can, and trying in some countries to get copyright laws changed to make their theft legal.
Those AI companies also peddle their AI tools as replacements for working artists. Real artists, many of whom are competing with AI that was trained illegally on their own work. I've seen AI-using fake artists on Twitter taunting real artists about how long it takes them to do a real painting. Even boasting about uploading images of that real artist's work to an AI model to copy that artist more specifically. Platforms like DeviantArt and Kindle have been flooded with AI images and books. One AI music company alone was boasting that it had already released more than 15 million songs by last year. All of this is making it harder for real artists and writers to get attention and make a living.
I think it's great when people admire writers and artists of all types. Creativity should be respected and nourished.
But if you have a lot of respect for artists and writers, you can show it best by buying and recommending their work, not using AI to copy it. If you're inspired by what they've done, you can honor that inspiration best by learning to write or create visual art and music yourself. Not by using AI that was most likely trained illegally on their work, by AI companies whose real goal is money and control of as many sectors of the economy as possible, and who would not care at all if every living real artist actually starved, as long as those companies can steal their work and peddle the AI ability to mimic it.