I'm a planned California fire refugee this summer, I've semi-retired, planning on only working winters until my full retirement age. Incurred some losses to the Mendocino complex fire, exacerbated health troubles from the smoke. Had the COVID early in the pandemic. I'm an essential health care provider... not this summer though. Staying at a Royal Gorge resort, discovered only one talk station comes through clearly while setting up here: oh, it would be RWNJ radio.
I listened to the Glenn Beck program as he and guest speakers bent themselves into pretzels to criticize the vaccine in this wacked manner: again and again expressing the vaccine "doesn't work" to eradicate COVID from the face of the earth, just as cold and flu style coronavirus mutants continue to thrive, only losing their crippling pathologic edge with vaccine assisted herd immunity. (cough... "eradication... said no M.D. ... ever" as my BP soared listening to this bent diatribe)
What rendered my BP meds ineffective were their implications that the CDC and Anthony Fauci had indicated such a fallacy. Only at the end of the broadcast did an M.D. guest suggest everyone get vaccinated, then quickly switched the subject to anti-mandate contrarianism. I shut it off.
Here's the potential damage Beck caused: local commuter traffic listening to this steaming pile of bullshit likely only heard the repeated "vaccines no workee" diatribes, only towards the end of the half hour was one quick flash of "get vaccinated"... the RWNJ'S likely never heard.
Got my laptop and internet radio set up now, the RV radio stays off this stay. There it was: the one time I tune in to the contrarian radio, it didn't fail to slyly misinform.