but it is complete BS when reporting about their aggression to ignore the things the US has done to them over the many years. But like in Central America our bloodthirsty support for death squads to keep the "status quo" of exploitation going is no longer mentioned when media talks about the problem of an influx of immigrants seeking asylum.
I'm all for full ranging discussions about it all but all that the media and political types want to talk about is the nuclear program. I can assure you if Iran gave it all up today and ended all support for Hamas and others the US and others would not stop their f**king around with Iran. Resources, control and domination are the rule of the day with most powerful nations. They don't want the weak nations to become so strong that they can refuse to go along with the ones who dominate and so having a major amount of control of their resources and making them indebted by way of "agreements" is how the domination continues.
Should Iran have a nuke? Of course not but the public shouldn't buy the line of crap coming from politicians that it's all about "caring about people." Caring about control of these nations and serving the interests of corporate masters/political contributors is what it is all about. Having Iran give up nukes is something that hides what the real motivation is.