It's time-sensitive--there's a real reason to produce a response quickly, one reason that the arguments will be heard on an expedited schedule--so we should expect an injunction or lack thereof before 1/19/25.
If there's an injunction, then the request and waiver would be Biden's waiving something he recently signed for no good reason. "I approve this! ... Uh, wait. What? Um. No ... Did I. No, let's just wait a little while until somebody else can make the decision." Truly presidential. Cross that bridge when it's there to be trod upon, no reason to cross it when it's still a few week's travel ahead.
If there's no injunction, then perhaps the waiver would be justified. Then again, a lot of this is a minority seeking to overturn the will of the majority, to some extent to play to the vote of the drooling youth.
I seriously regret that Congress, in it's infinite (or infinitely small) wisdom banned cell-phone jammers nationwide. I'd love for there to be an exception in some places, with proper notification. Theaters and concert halls, for example. Or high schools. (I'm still considering having my classroom copper-themed and lining it with copper cloth, but the damned fool district decided to let kids use the district's wi-fi so they don't need to use their cell phone data; in other words, put them in a faraday cage and there's a nice free multimodal hotspot for them to log into and swipe ... swipe ... swipe ... I'd get a sniffer, but the school's a microwave fog, between student, teacher devices, phones and security cameras and environmental controls ...