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In reply to the discussion: Virtually no aid has reached besieged north Gaza in 40 days, UN says [View all]womanofthehills
(9,441 posts)It gets worse day by day. Millions living in tents - now getting colder - and raining- videos of soaked cold kids living in tents - many with missing arms & legs -- all their rugs and belongings soaked. No place to even sleep - sewage running down streets. Where is the compassion? Now over 100,000 injured mostly kids and mostly kids now with no arms or legs. Most kid amputees of anywhere in world. American Dr treating children said they are constantly amputating kids feet - many kids walking barefoot because they no longer have shoes - they cut their feet - no antibiotics so their feet get horribly infected - drs have nothing to treat with so they amputate kids feet. Thousands of images on X of little kids with no arms or legs. Little armless boys playing in surf on stump legs. Compassion people!
I just got a tooth pulled and Im miserable - I cant even imagine their pain. Toddlers getting their feet cut off with no sedation and often mother & fatherless. Compassion please and support Bernie in his fight for no more weapons.