Protests planned across US Thurs: Nobody Is Above The Law. [View all]
Originally Posted in Activist Headquarters March 24th. This is latest info!!! Current news....
Rachal Maddow just announced it on her show. Go to link and see if one is near you.
"BREAKING: 4/1/19
We are calling for a National Day of Action on Thursday, April 4, to demand that Attorney General William Barr #ReleaseTheReport if he fails to meet the deadline set by Congressional leaders of Tuesday, April 2. Barr has offered an alternate timeline for a redacted version of the report—but we deserve the full report and Congressional leaders and the American people expect it now. Find an event near you and RSVP to join the local action.
It's possible you have signed up at Nobody Is Above the Law previously but do not see the local event you expected on this map. Please search for other events near you—or return to this site as more actions will also come online up until Thursday."