Controversial Abortion Bill To Face Debate In Alabama Senate [View all]
Senate Bill 12 has passed the health committee and could face debate on the Senate floor as early as next Tuesday.
The bill is sponsored by 9th district Republican Senator Clay Scofield.
The bill would require women seeking an abortion to submit to either a transabdominal or transvaginal ultrasound. The woman would have no say in what type of ultrasound would be performed, rather it would be determined by the physician based on which ultrasound would provide the clearest image of the embryo or fetus.
Another woman writes, "As one of your constituents I'd like to say that SB 12 is a slap in the face to grown women of Alabama who are fully capable of making decisions without being forced to undergo a horribly intrusive, medically unnecessary procedure.",0,5149396.story
The Dominionists are flexing their power. It's time to stomp them into the dirt.
I said back on DU2 that the new Republican majority would pretend to be sane for a short while, and then start to show their true colors. I think my opinion has been vindicated.