They are conducting a Psy-ops operation on the American People [View all]
Ordinarily we might rely upon the Military and Intelligence to defend us from the psychological warfare and terrorism being unleashed all across our government and on our population. But they've been infiltrated by right-wing ideologues and militias and they've been placed in positions of authority. He told us he didn't need votes, and I've been convinced from the start that they have rigged the entire show. Not even an original plot line. Worked like a charm in Germany. Our belief in "Our Better Angels" and "The Arc Of History" and "The Moral High Ground" has led us to this juncture, and to be fair, History doesn't provide us with many examples of different outcomes. Evil has no reason to fear the moral high ground. I don't see much promise this time, either. We're seeing ourselves in the mirror, and not enough of us are disgusted. I had selfishly hoped I wouldn't have to live in the world being forced upon us now. This is the WORST situation of my seventy-four years. I WEEP FOR THE CHILDREN.