General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Somebody needs to ask RFK Jr this: [View all]this, heard what he said. First, I didn't hear him say "effective," or hear CNN "calling him out on his bullshit to his face." But I understand that you believe that you heard both of these things.
Second, though all my children had their vaccines, I do remember talking to their pediatrician, who was also a professor at Syracuse University. I had a question about one of the first ones my oldest got. He was busy that day, I suppose, and growled, "Don't play concerne4d parent with me." I responded, "I don't play." He smiled, and we ended up having a good conversation. That vaccine, he explained, was helpful for 99.999% of children. But not all children.
Now, of the two of us -- you and I -- only one has known Robert for decades. Hence, only one of us has had conversations over the decades on any issue, including his thoughts on children's vaccines. Thus, while I know that all of his children have had their vaccinations, you have a brief clip of him on CNN.
Again, I do not agree with him on everything. Especially his current bit with the felon. But as a grandfather, I have some concerns about the rapid increase in the number of vaccines kids are supposed to get. I wish my kids' doctor was still alive so that I could discuss them with him.
On a note I don't need to share, but will anyhow: the doctor's daughter was an attorney who worked in the district attorney's office (before he began his environmental work). She didn't like him, and her father warned me that Robert would ty to use me. I assured him that, if anything, the opposite was closer to true. I never believed in paying a lawyer a penny for their having the opportunity to assist me on Native American burial protection & repatriation issues and environment cases that went to the federal courts. Nor did I. Ever. In fact, Robert secured $200,000 in grants for use in hiring scientists to do an independent study of the 120-acre SuperFund Site.
Also, since I started reading DU before ever joining, a lot of people here have long disliked Robert. That's okay. Just so long as we are accurate, and not take things out of full context.