General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Somebody needs to ask RFK Jr this: [View all]H2O Man
(76,051 posts)There are numerous valid reasons to be concerned and opposed to what Robert is doing. But it is important to be accurate. He is not opposed to most vaccines. And I say that as someone who got the covid shots, and encouraged others to do so -- and avoided those that didn't.
I remember that President Obama considered Robert for the head of the EPA when he first took office. I think that would have been good. But that was then. Things have changed. The fact that I can say without question that Robert understands the felon is a "sociopath" -- Robert's word in the spring -- but joined forces with him is reason enough to strongly oppose Robert. But that does not mean everything he advocates is wrong. For example, he wants to have industries remove the well known toxins from the foods most Americans -- including not only his, but everyone's children -- from our daily diet.
I have a relative that works in the warehouse of one of the largest producers of those toxins in most people's daily diet. I would not want any five year old consuming that poison, any more than I would want them smoking cigarettes.