The Way Forward
Related: About this forumQuestion I've pondering. I expect the Democratic leadership
Did some scenario planning on the event of a orange asshole victory. They should have learned much when Hillary was defeated.
I don't see much sign of any contingencies in action - whether tactical or in opposing communications. Could the Dem leadership possibly have been caught so off guard that is leading to what seems like little to no push back, or organized resistance?

(49,131 posts)wait for the food to run out.
(14,721 posts)As I recall it was four years of blaming Bernie, Comey, the voters, etc.
(919 posts)I have been wondering the same thing, and been horrified at the lack of signs of any such contingency planning.
(5,195 posts)Alice B.
(443 posts)Thank you.
I have said, screamed, cried, til I was blue in the face, "this election was NEVER guaranteed. Surely you all weren't going to just wing it if things didn't go our way?"
Leave all of us out here to fend for ourselves. Not after preaching the existential crisis thing for 100+ days. Even before that.
A friend, one of the few TFG voters I haven't cut ties with (but I do not talk current events with), sent me a video clip this morning, related to a sport we both participate in.Totally unrelated to politics. The theme of it was "there was no Plan B" and the person in the clip (who -- funnily enough -- had moved here from another country to pursue a career in our sport) was talking about how that's a good thing sometimes because, when you're tired, when you feel like giving up, no Plan B means no choice, you have to succeed.
My fervent prayer is that that is NOT what the Dems were thinking these past few years. Because I don't think the current party is built for No Plan B.
(21,205 posts)It felt like there was no response from the Dems, let alone the one I was expecting and looking forward to. Why is that? Speaking for myself, I'm done wondering about that. As you say, they could be unprepared or they could be afraid. I suppose they could even be phonies that never believed in Dem principles to begin with. To me, it doesn't matter now. They're not doing the job. And the rest of us (the majority of the people who didn't vote for this) seem to be on our own.