IA Newspaper, QC Times, Editorial: Klobuchar is the one
SOURCE: QC Times, link at bottom
Jan 19, 2020
So, what does she offer?
On health care, she offers a plan (not a "pipe dream," as she puts it) to vastly improve coverage with a public option for people priced out of the private insurance market. Her expansion of public health programs to millions more Americans would be historic.
On climate change, she is as aggressive as any of her rivals on the things that matter most. Her plan would expand renewable fuels and put a price on carbon to lower emissions to net zero by 2050. She would, in her first 100 days, rejoin the community of nations fighting global warming, restore plans to cut emissions at power plants, and make our cars more fuel efficient.
Klobuchar offers an aggressive, wide-ranging agenda in those first 100 days to improve the daily lives of Americans.
She would protect health care coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions. She would grant the FDA authority to import less expensive prescription drugs from Canada, easing the burden on Americans. She would expand VA health benefits for women and propose new investments for public education to help teachers, poor students and those with disabilities. She would launch new initiatives to address mental health and addiction issues in this country.
MUCH more at the LINK