Women rally in support of Elizabeth Warren by sharing their own pregnancy discrimination stories
Warren this week defended her claim that she had been fired from her teaching job over her pregnancy.
WASHINGTON — Women are sharing their stories on social media of pregnancy discrimination in support of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who came under attack from conservative outlets this week over her claim that she had been fired in 1971 for being pregnant.
"f you don't understand what this furor over the Elizabeth Warren pregnancy firing story is about, ask pretty much any woman in your life over 35," culture writer Anne Helen Petersen wrote on Twitter, prompting some to respond with their personal experiences.
Warren's critics seized on the opportunity to claim that the senator was lying about being fired and sought to further discredit her account by pointing to a 2007 interview at the University of California at Berkeley in which she describes leaving her teaching job but does not mention being fired as her reason for doing so.
Many were also quick to defend Warren’s 2007 speech, noting that personal experiences of discrimination are not always easy to discuss publicly. In one of the tweets that Warren read in the video, a woman named Sarah writes that it took her mom more than 30 years to tell her own daughters how she lost her job after she became pregnant, adding that women "don’t share this stuff willy nilly."
The bear has truly been poked. And it is possible that it will awake. IMO, this is all good for Elizabeth!