Biden 2020
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Third Challenge, a Home Run
Joe Biden projected winner barely after the polls closed.
It's a home run, folks. A remarkable blowout. And Terry McAuliffe just endorsed.

(17,220 posts)
(4,178 posts)😁😁😁
(8,147 posts)coming back uphe truly practices what he preaches. He has taken it from ALL sides. He has I got the real stuff.
(11,685 posts)We were overdue.
And you know, I was just thinking about what emmaverybo stated, the idea of being kicked down, and then getting get back up. That's an important quality in a race like this, to be able to do it without scowling and complaining miserably but just putting your head down and plowing ahead. And then, turning it around with a spectacular win. This is what the man needed to do and he got it done.
Congrats to Joe and his team and everyone that knocked themselves out to bring this home.
(2,680 posts)peggysue2
(11,685 posts)In fact, I heard that Clyburn has had a number of suggestions for Biden, as in resetting his campaign, reordering and rehiring staff and having a serious conversation with Bloomberg.
We shall see.
(2,657 posts)and started a Super PAC for Biden. boom!
Now, imagine in return, Biden made Bloomberg Ambassador to China. Do you think a guy with $60 Billion could benefit from knowing everyone important in China? boom!
Talk about Win-win!
(11,685 posts)Yes, with Bloomberg's support, money, staff and communication team, Biden would be headed straight to the WH. Bloomberg has 2500 people on the ground, all paid through November. Wow!
It will be interesting to see what happens, how Bloomberg actually does on Super Tuesday, vote-wise. If he underperforms after all that money spent, then I suspect the horse-trading will start between the two campaigns. Presumably, Bloomberg's main objective is to block Bernie Sanders. On the other hand, I listened to Bloomy give an interview with Kasie Hunt. He swore up and down, he was in the race to the bitter end.
But if he were to change his mind or that comment was just interview fodder? Anything can happen.
(2,657 posts)Bloomberg currently has two great loves:
1. A desire to be in the White House
2. A long term love of money.
The way I see it, the main thing that could placate him from his White House dream would be the promise of massive tons of cash. The promise of something like an ambassadorship that would be worth its weight in million-dollar treasury bonds might be enough to persuade him.
Our best hope is if lots of Bloomberg fans switch away from Bloomberg on Tuesday (preferably to Warren or Klobuchar in their home states, to Biden everywhere else). If Bloomberg underperforms after spending all of that money, he may realize that a Biden in the White House that he put there is worth more than spending hundreds of millions not to get there himself. If Bloomberg puts Biden in the White House, Biden will owe him big time. If Bloomberg cannot figure out a way to monetize that, he won't really be trying.
Rich people and corporations will be lining Trump's pockets hoping that he can win and then offer deficit exploding tax cuts in return. Fear of a "wealth tax" and other such taxes on the rich will make money flow like rivers for Trump. If the trade-off to that is some company Bloomberg owns getting a fat government contract to build roads or schools, I can certainly live with that. Someone's company has to do the work. If that company happens to be largely owned by the guy who helped us kick Donald Trump out of office, more power to him. Some of the money that Bloomberg makes can help fund Biden's reelection in 4 years.

(1,887 posts)raising money now. But if Bloomberg is serious about getting rid of Trump, what better place to put his money?