'Good governance' group formedin Northern Marianas Islands
A total of 100 people came together at the Minachom Atdao pavilion in Susupe yesterday for the first meeting of a group that calls itself Citizens for Good Governance that wants to address CNMI-wide issues.
One of its founders, Ambrosio Ogumoro, said the organization is a non-political group that welcomes anyone to its fold. He said that yesterdays meeting was a fine example of unity so they can address common issues in the CNMI.
Ogumoro, who said that a lot of people have been discouraged by recent actions of the CNMIs current leaders, said this group was formed to send a strong message to the government to address corruption in order to create a better government for the CNMI.
We must fight for what is right, and take action on all that is good for us, the children, and their future. Let us all unite and be strong together, said Ogumoro, adding that the strong message has to be clear enough that the leadership has to start putting the people first.
Read more: https://www.saipantribune.com/index.php/good-governance-group-formed/