Mayaguez Mayor Admits the FBI is Investigating His Administration
Besides the Treasury and Education departments and the Health Insurance Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is also actively investigating municipalities.
Mayagüez Mayor José Guillermo Rodríguez, one of the Popular Democratic Party’s (PDP) top mayors, confirmed reports that FBI officials are investigating a financial instrument used by his town to increase revenues. The federal investigation revolves around possible violations of laws related to electronic transfers.
“It is nothing else than the recovery of money that has not return to the municipality of Mayagüez according to agreements. The Popular Democratic Party issued a statement saying the information that has come out has been minimal but that it will monitor it.
The Municipality is in a lawsuit demanding the recovery [of the money] and in that process there is an intervention of federal agencies in relation to the financial process that was done with the investment, which then became a reinvestment done without the authorization of the municipality… and that is the dispute that is going on in relation to the matter,” Rodríguez said in a radio interview. The mayor said the FBI also interviewed some City Hall employees.
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