No. Puerto Ricans have historically been roughly divided as follows.
45% pro statehood
48% Autonomous Territory
7% independence.
In recent years, the statehood numbers have fallen (despite their attempts to fool people and manipulate fraudulent results to make it seem like they won 61% support in 2012 and 97% support in 2016). The autonomous option also encapsulates a healthy portion (probably 1/3th of it) that is really in favor of a Free Association status (see Marshall Islands, Palau Islands, and Micronesia Islands).
Most Puerto Ricans are not even in favor of statehood to start with. And no Puerto Rican wants to become an appendage of another state, even Florida or NY. Not even statehood Puerto Ricans would be in favor of that option.
The truth is that, as time goes by, Puerto Ricans are going to realize the United States has never really cared for them and we might finally, after time, end up with a process to transition either to a Free Associated Republic or a totally independent republic, just like it happened to the Phillippines.