Northern Marianas Condemns Japan (Fukushima) Wastewater Plans
The Northern Mariana Islands “condemns” Japan’s plans to discharge its processed nuclear wastewater into the Pacific.
The House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands made a joint resolution panning Japan’s plans to release the 1.25 million tons of wastewater, from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster in 2011.
The U.S. territory is the latest of several Pacific nations, territories and regional organizations calling the plans into question, following Japan’s April announcement that it would release the processed wastewater over the course of 40 years from 2023.
The resolution, introduced on Sept. 23 by representative Sheila Babauta, who is also House chair of the Natural Resources Committee, noted CNMI “immensely valued” its relationship with Japan, but noted that its plans harkened back to 1979, when Japan planned to dump approximately 10,000 drums of nuclear waste in the Pacific.
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