Governor provides context on the July 1 wage hike for ASG (American Samoa)
Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — Gov. Lemanu Peleti Mauga is commending the public for their continued patience and support as the ASG workforce endured the recent rollback phase of the Cost Saving Measures of Personnel Actions.
In a press release issued yesterday, he addressed issues around the ASG General Wage increase, effective yesterday, July 1, 2021 — following a cabinet meeting this past Friday.
“Wage increases have been a long-standing goal for every Administration, and I wanted to make sure that a couple of issues were addressed during the planning stages. One, can we commit to this increase and secondly, is there a comprehensive plan to sustain such an increase. I believe it is time to recognize the service of our people, and in turn improve the service to the public.
“In order to implement these changes, we needed to efficiently and legally assess the personnel structure and ensure it is aligned with the Administration's overall goal of now raising the pay for most, if not all, ASG career service employees,” explained Governor Lemanu following Friday’s cabinet meeting where the pay increases were presented to the Administration.
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