Working Poor
Related: About this forumArtichoke update
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It now is over my head (I'm 5'2" . There is a nice 4" choke shooting up from the center.
I'm going to have to get on a step ladder to take a picture of that bloom when it opens.
I know, weird hobbies. I'm poor, I can't afford travel or golf.
Speaking of golf. I just unloaded a vintage set of Royal golf clubs (w/nice persimmon drivers) complete with leather bag and assorted balls. I received them decades ago for partial payment on a custom paint job.
I was glad to see them go.

(15,805 posts)Forget the bloom and just enjoy eating it. The ones I've grown usually put out a second set of blooms that were smaller and didn't have much that was edible. I let them bloom and dried the chokes and used them in a decorative arrangement, but then the cat discovered them and they were a major pain to clean up, but for a day or two they looked good.
(4,879 posts)but that first choke has the most spectacular bloom.
As I said before, there's good money in that first bloom. I can buy three jars of artichoke hearts for that one bloom.
(4,879 posts)I posted a picture of my pet artichoke over at JPR (Bar and Grill).
It's over 6ft tall now. We ate 3 chokes a couple nights ago. Yum.
I'm still waiting for that center bloom. I'll post the pic over there.