Working Poor
Related: About this forumhow are we all doing under 'king Donald'
we all know we'll get the worst of this
we at the bottom always do
so what can we do to help each other (nobody else will)?
what preparations can we do (little late now)
sorry i've been absent a lot, unfortunately life happened in the worst kind of ways
Tis alright, "S happens, it will decompose and fertilize the veggie garden!"

(34,749 posts)
I am going to ask my housemate for more money to help w/ the utilities. He is on SSDI too. He doesn't have it either, but the electric, gas heat, water and phone costs are going up. Hard times
(1,937 posts)but i wasn't as active as i was hoping to be
hard times :-/
R. P. McMurphy
(852 posts)since I lost my job in June 2015 but one of the ways I cut costs was to get a magic jack for telephone. It's not as good as regular telephone but it is okay and was only $40 per year rather than $40 per month.
(1,937 posts)then the group needs a new moderator
i lost my 'fulltime'
was told to train someone before 14 day vacation...came back after...called up and asked when i was scheduled...'oh we'll call you'
called again 2 days later 'we'll call you'
called again a week later 'we'll call you'
got a paycheck with 'final paycheck' stamped on it mailed to me
too bad about the $2500+ in bicycle parts i had stored IN the store
fortunately i can sorta get by on my second job
Loosing ones job does not disqualify you
it makes you just as welcome as always
you are a 'temporarily disadvantaged nonworking but soon working poor and hopefully not poor either'
magic jack is pretty cool
i have to maintain a cellphone w dataplan anyway so for benefit to speak of
but i know it helps a lot of people
(16,922 posts)Reduce what I can..Life gets simpler not necessarily better