X-Post from Religion: A Federal Judge Just Told You if Your Religion Is ‘Real’ or Not
Thread in Religion group: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1218227822
According to a district court judge, a federal prison inmates avowed religion is too silly to be protected or accommodated. In fact, the judge decided, its not a religion at all. Does that make you angry? It should.
Does the fact that the Nebraska inmate is a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster change your feelings? It shouldnt.
Is Pastafarianism any less credible than other religions of the world? Consider the thoughts of Andrea Jonathan Robert, as offered in a post on the website Patheos, responding to the Charlie Hebdo terror attack in Paris:
So in truth, as Pastafarians while our religious beliefs are sincerely held, our actions can be satirical in the effort to prove a larger point. Our religion is not a parody of other faiths. However, were not above using satire to point out how nonsensical other religions can be at times. Satire is intended to do more than just entertain; it tries to improve humanity and its institutions. One would think this is a worthy goal of any religion.