'In writing up its own latest New York Times/CBS poll conducted from November 6th through 10th the Times all but writes off Martin O'Malley.
Predictable? Sure. But this "analysis" is all the more disgusting and damnable, given what the Times *doesn't* emphasize or say at all in this article:
1 >>> Fully 56% of those surveyed are paying only "some," "not much" or "no" attention to the 2016 Presidential campaign (Question 12).
2 >>> Martin O'Malley shows by far the highest *rate* of growth, based on responses to the question about which candidate respondents would like to see the Democratic Party nominate for President in 2016 (Question 14).
To wit...
In the three latest surveys early September, early October and this latest poll:
* Hillary Clinton declined slightly, from 58% to 56% to 52%; and
* Bernie Sanders is more or less flat, from 28% to 32% to 33% a gain of less than one-third of one percent in the last month.
But Martin O'Malley goes from dash i.e., too low to register (presumably less than one-half of one percent) to 1% to 5%.
That's a 500% increase in the last month.
3 >>> For the first time, 3% of respondents said that Martin O'Malley has the "best chance of winning" the general election (Question 16).
This is after he was but a dash in the three previous surveys including last month.
Yes, the raw numbers still are low. But all of this points to the fact that, the more people are exposed to Martin O'Malley, the more they like him.
It also gives credence to the suggestion that it's Martin O'Malley that DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz views as the biggest threat to her candidate, Hillary Clinton and who she has been trying to "hide under a bushel" in limiting his exposure via nationally televised debates.
Check out Martin O'Malley. He offers the best balance of progressive values; leadership a track record of bringing people together to get Big Things done and electability to the Democratic race.'
The full NYT/CBS survey results are at